Friday 11 April 2008

M&E Progress

2-Day Area: Electrical installation completed as far as presently possible. Pipework testing commenced. MCC 21-3 energized. Dry commissioning commenced. Lightning protection completed and tested.

21-Day Area: Mech install commenced and ongoing. TK62300, 400 & 500 mixing installation within tanks completed. Lightning protection installation completed and tested.

Thickening Building: Mechanical installation drum thickeners 90% completed. Mechanical pipework installation 75% complete. Electrical installation commenced 10% complete.

Return Liquors and Cross Site Pipework: Return liquors and discharge line to head of works 40% complete. Process water from incinerator area 50% complete. Other process lines nearing design commencement. Odour ductwork 30% complete.

High Level Storm Tanks: Awaiting entry into tank 2 from YW to allow completion of works (85% complete). All other tanks mech internal 100% complete. Lifting beams outstanding.

Low Level Storm Tanks: Tanks 1 to 6 mech install complete, with exception to lifting beams. Tank 7 ongoing.

Tank No 1+2: Tank 2 mixer pipework within tank complete.

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